Abel Ferrara about his collaboration with Film Annex

Director Abel Ferrara made a short video to explain how he has been working with Film Annex for the past years through his website…
Director Abel Ferrara made a short video to explain how he has been working with Film Annex for the past years through his website…
Director Abel Ferrara interviewed Film Annex's Founder Francesco Rulli about N.A.T.O., a new website broadcasting footage from the…
Welcome to the official website of the acclaimed filmmaker Abel Ferrara. Connect to Ferrara’s Web TV channels to get the latest news on his new films, watch examples from his early work, clips from his recent movies, behind the scenes videos, and interviews with the filmmaker and his creative team. Meet the visionary behind Bad Lieutenant, King of New York, and Driller Killer.
Select one of the Web TV channels below to start viewing videos. For clips, interviews, and behind the scenes videos from specific movies, select a Web TV dedicated to a single movie. For latest news, interviews with the director, and a larger compilation of content, select Abel Ferrara TV.
Tune in regularly to watch new interviews with some of Ferrara's collaborators like Dennis Hopper, Christopher Walken, Asia Argento, Forest Whitaker, Willem Dafoe, Harvey Keitel, Gretchen Mol, and Matthew Modine amongst others.
欢迎您来到著名导演阿贝尔•费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)的官方网站。连接到阿贝尔•费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)的网路电视频道,可以获得有关他的新电影的最新消息,可以看到他早期电影作品的片段,近期电影的剪辑,幕后花絮视频,以及导演和他的创作团队的访谈过程。让我们会晤这位在坏中尉/流氓干探(Bad Lieutenant),黑道皇帝(King of New York),和电钻杀人狂(Driller Killer)身后有远见的梦想者。
如果您想观看视频,请选择在网路电视频道下方的任一个视频即可。如果您想观看特定电影的剪辑片段,访谈过程和幕后花絮视频,请选择单一电影专用的网路电视。有关最新的消息,与导演的访谈,以及更多的内容,请选择阿贝尔•费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)的电视频道。
定期观赏我们与费拉拉的合作者的一些新的采访视频,像是丹尼斯•霍珀(Dennis Hopper),克里斯托弗•沃肯(Christopher Walken),艾莎•阿基多(Asia Argento),福里斯特•惠特克(Forest Whitaker),威廉•达福(Willem Dafoe),哈维•凯特尔(Harvey Keitel),格瑞辰•摩尔(Gretchen Mol),还有马修•莫迪恩(Matthew Modine)...等等。