Abel Ferrara about his collaboration with Film Annex

Director Abel Ferrara made a short video to explain how he has been working with Film Annex for the past years through his website…
Director Abel Ferrara made a short video to explain how he has been working with Film Annex for the past years through his website…
Director Abel Ferrara interviewed Film Annex's Founder Francesco Rulli about N.A.T.O., a new website broadcasting footage from the…
Get the latest news on the internationally acclaimed American film director Abel Ferrara. Watch clips from his movies, behind the scenes videos, and interviews with the filmmaker and other members of his creative team. Meet the visionary behind Bad Lieutenant, King of New York, and Driller Killer.
Get updates on Ferrara’s latest projects, Jekyll and Hyde, starring 50 Cent and Forrest Whitaker, and Short Eyes, his Broadway debut based on the award winning play of Miguel Pinero.
If you are a fan of Abel Ferrara and his movies, here’s your chance to ask him your questions! You can interact with Ferrara by leaving comments on his videos. Made any Abel Ferrara-inspired movies? Upload your film and join the Film Annex community.
获取有關享誉国际的美国电影导演-阿贝尔•费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)的最新消息。连接到阿贝尔•费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)的网路电视频道,可以看到他的电影作品片段和剪辑,幕后花絮视频,以及导演和他的创作团队的访谈过程。让我们会晤这位在坏中尉/流氓干探(Bad Lieutenant),黑道皇帝(King of New York),和电钻杀人狂(Driller Killer)身后有远见的梦想者。
获得有关于费拉拉的最新电影工程的同步更新消息。《杰奇和海德》(JEKYLL & HYDE),由50美分(50 Cent)和奥斯卡影帝福瑞斯特•惠特克(Forrest Whitaker)主演; 还有他的百老汇首演《SHORT EYES》,是根据米基•皮尼路(Miguel Pinero)所撰写并获奖而且大受欢迎的舞台剧为基础。
如果您是阿贝尔•费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)的观众和电影迷,现在您有机会可以问他问题!您可以留言在费拉拉的影片网页上与费拉拉沟通互动。您有制作出任何由阿贝尔•费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)启发灵感的电影吗?上传你的电影,与我们分享,Film Annex 欢迎您的加入。