Abel Ferrara about his collaboration with Film Annex

Director Abel Ferrara made a short video to explain how he has been working with Film Annex for the past years through his website…
Director Abel Ferrara made a short video to explain how he has been working with Film Annex for the past years through his website…
Director Abel Ferrara interviewed Film Annex's Founder Francesco Rulli about N.A.T.O., a new website broadcasting footage from the…
Director Abel Ferrara attended the premiere of his new movie 4:44 Last Day on Earth at the New York Film Festival this month. 4:44…
Abel Ferarra took the spotlight at the Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland when he received the most prestigious Leopard of Honor.…
NEW YORK, NY, March 22, 2011 – Film Annex (http://www.filmannex.com), online film promotion and distribution company, announced…
My new film, 4:44, starring Willem Dafoe and Shanyn Leigh, begins filming shortly. We are looking for a loft space, which is 2000+…
Watch interviews with Abel Ferrara and his creative team about the making of Bad Lieutenant, starring Harvey Keitel.
Bad Lieutenant tells the story of a corrupt police detective played by Harvey Keitel, who gambles, deals with a drug addiction, plays around with prostitutes, and uses his status to take advantage of people. The lieutenant starts reflecting on his life and tries to find forgiveness while investigating a nun’s rape. The film was screened at Cannes Film Festival in 1992.
由哈威•凯特尔(Harvey Keitel)所主演的《坏中尉》/《流氓干探》(Bad Lieutenant),让我们一起观赏与知名导演阿贝尔•费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)和他的创作团队谈论有关《坏中尉》的制片过程采访。 《坏中尉》讲述了哈威•凯特尔饰演的纽约警察汉森陷于罪恶与堕落的生活中,他赌博、吸毒、嫖妓、贪污,最终像狗一样死在街头。影片粗糙却充满破坏力,费拉拉真诚而直白的讲述着他一惯的主题:性、毒品、暴力和犯罪,然而在那些令人发指的画面背后,影片实际上充满了道德感,汉森只是一个罪人、一个绝望而企图在调查修女被强奸的事件里寻求救赎却终未果的罪人。这部电影在1992年戛纳国际电影节/坎城影展(Cannes Film Festival)放映。