Abel Ferrara about his collaboration with Film Annex

Director Abel Ferrara made a short video to explain how he has been working with Film Annex for the past years through his website…
Director Abel Ferrara made a short video to explain how he has been working with Film Annex for the past years through his website…
Director Abel Ferrara interviewed Film Annex's Founder Francesco Rulli about N.A.T.O., a new website broadcasting footage from the…
Director Abel Ferrara attended the premiere of his new movie 4:44 Last Day on Earth at the New York Film Festival this month. 4:44…
Abel Ferarra took the spotlight at the Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland when he received the most prestigious Leopard of Honor.…
NEW YORK, NY, March 22, 2011 – Film Annex (http://www.filmannex.com), online film promotion and distribution company, announced…
My new film, 4:44, starring Willem Dafoe and Shanyn Leigh, begins filming shortly. We are looking for a loft space, which is 2000+…
A web television, presenting selected clips and interviews from internationally acclaimed director Abel Ferrara's new film Chelsea on the Rocks. Ferrara interviews the current and former resident of the New York's famous Chelsea Hotel, including Ethan Hawke and Dennis Hopper. Various behind the scenes footage shows different takes of the scenes from the film and creates a valuable platform for filmmakers.
此网络电视频道,介绍享誉国际的美国电影导演-阿贝尔•费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)的新片《濒危的摇滚圣地》,又译《濒危的切尔西饭店》/《雀西酒店》(CHELSEA ON THE ROCKS)的精选电影片段和访谈视频。费拉拉采访了纽约著名的切尔西酒店的现任和前任住户,包含了伊桑•霍克(Ethan Hawke)和丹尼斯•霍珀(Dennis Hopper)。各种的幕后镜头显示电影场景的不同需要,并且为电影制片人创造了一个宝贵的平台。