Abel Ferrara about his collaboration with Film Annex

Director Abel Ferrara made a short video to explain how he has been working with Film Annex for the past years through his website…
Director Abel Ferrara made a short video to explain how he has been working with Film Annex for the past years through his website…
Director Abel Ferrara interviewed Film Annex's Founder Francesco Rulli about N.A.T.O., a new website broadcasting footage from the…
Starring Juliette Binoche, Marion Cotillard, Heather Graham, Forest Whitaker, and Matthew Modine, Abel Ferrara's “Mary” weaves the stories of three characters together. Tony Childress (Matthew Modine) is an arrogant actor/director who directed and played the lead role in a film about Jesus. Maria Palesi (Juliette Binoche) is Mary Magdalene in Childress' film and ends up in Jerusalem after losing herself in her character. And, Ted Younger (Forest Whitaker) is a Charlie Rose-like TV talk show host who is cheating on his pregnant wife Elizabeth (Heather Graham).
Mary explores the depiction of religion in the world art and entertainment while asking questions about the role of morality in today's society. Learn about the making of this film by watching exclusive interviews with Abel Ferrara and his creative team.
由朱丽叶•比诺什(Juliette Binoche),玛丽昂•歌迪亚(Marion Cotillard),海瑟•格拉汉姆(Heather Graham),福里斯特•惠特克(Forest Whitaker),和马修•莫迪恩(Matthew Modine)联手演出阿贝尔•费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)主导的电影-”玛丽” (Mary)讲述着三个人物的命运纠结的故事。马修•莫迪恩(Matthew Modine)在片中扮演一位傲慢的演员及导演托尼•尔德里斯(Tony Childress),他在拍摄一部有关耶稣基督的电影,并且自己演出片中的主要角色。法国著名女演员朱丽叶•比诺什(Juliette Binoche),在片中扮演托尼影片中的角色玛丽•玛格达莱妮(Mary Magdalene)。影片拍完后,玛丽被自己演的角色所感染,前往耶路撒冷开始了一段启迪灵魂之路。同时,由福里斯特•惠特克(Forest Whitaker)扮演的一位电视谈话节目主持人特德•优格(Ted Younger),正欺骗着他怀孕的妻子伊丽莎白(Elizabeth;由海瑟•格拉汉姆(Heather Graham)扮演)而在外头偷情。
玛丽(Mary)这部影片,在询问当今社会中道德的作用的问题时,探讨了在世界艺术和娱乐所描绘的宗教。藉由观赏与阿贝尔•费拉拉(Abel Ferrara)和其创意团队的独家釆访片段去了解并学习这部具有启示性的影片。