Abel Ferrara on 4:44 Last Day on Earth and New Projects

Uploaded on Wednesday 14 September 2011


Abel Ferrara talks about his latest projects, achievements, and his latest film, 4:44 - Last Day on Earth. The film's premiere was at the 68th Venice Festival this September. 4:44 is also an official selection at this year's New York Film Festival. Ferarra gives us the details about his trip to the Locarno Film Festival in Switzerland, where he received the Leopard of Honour. The award denotes recognition of auteur cinema and creative and audacious filmmaking. The filmmaker's next project, 'Dreams,' will visualize the dreams of its subjects. Ferrara is currently looking for actors who will participate in the project. You can stay updated on the official Facebook Page and Twitter.


Language: English

Length: 5:10

Country: United States

Creative Commons License

Abel Ferrara on 4:44 Last Day on Earth and New Projects by bitLanders is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.

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